
Don't Worry About Me

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

"It's soooooooo hot!" complained Rukia.

"At least you have the fan..." grumbled Ichigo.

Rukia rolled her eyes at the pouting teen and gave him a quick breeze from the tiny portable fan.

It was a hot summer day. Very hot. Rukia had been visiting the Kurosaki family for a few days under the orders of Ukitake, who thought she should take a break from her lieutenant duties. She was starting to regret listening to her captain. The few days she had been in Karakura Town – everyday was scolding hot. She had been taking cover in the Kurosaki house from the heat outside...but today the air conditioning system had broken and no one could come to fix it till the next day. Everyone was miserable in the heat. Yuzu and Karin were lucky to have been able to escape the heat for now by going to a birthday party for a friend. Isshin, Ichigo, and Rukia were stuck to suffer the wrath of summer.

They had huddled outside, since it was much cooler outside than inside, and took turns using the little fan Isshin bought from a street vender a block away. It was Rukia's turn, but the little fan didn't give her enough relief. She was felt hot and sticky.  She was starting to think if shorts and a tank top weren't such a good idea to wear.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." Isshin sighed. He got to his feet and fanned himself with the bottom of his shirt. "Maybe you two could play with the hose or something."

Ichigo glanced up at his father with heat wearied eyes. "You can nap in this heat?"

"I'll sure try."

The old Shinigami went through the door – leaving Ichigo and Rukia alone. The friends looked at each other briefly. They were very lethargic from the blazing heat. Playing with a hose that would spurt out freezing water sounded very inviting. Sluggishly, Ichigo got to his feet and wobbled to the side of the house. Rukia set down the fan and followed him. When she had turned the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks. Ichigo was topless – using his shirt to turn the nozzle of the hose. She swallowed and quickly closed her eyes.

'It's okay, Rukia. He's just your friend. You have nothing to worry about. Friends do this all the time. Yeah. It's summer, it's hot – guys take off their shirts. So I have nothing to worry about.'

"Damn thing won't turn!" muttered Ichigo in frustration.

Rukia opened one eye. A peek wouldn't hurt...right?   'What do you mean a peek?! Ichigo and I are friends! Why am I making such a big deal out of this?!'   She opened her other eye and watched Ichigo struggle with the nozzle. A shiver went down her spine.   'Is he really seventeen? He can't be seventeen...he sure doesn't look like it...  Oh my God! What are you thinking Rukia?! Stop it!'

There was a squeaking sound that jolted Rukia back to reality. Ichigo did a silent cheer – water spouting from the hose. Rukia smiled. Now they could get cooled off. Ichigo did the honors first and let the water soak his head and torso. He lowered the hose and glanced at Rukia with a relaxed grin, droplets dripping from his hair.

"This feels great." he chuckled with relief.

Rukia felt her cheeks burn. "I bet." She held her hand out nervously. "Can I have that?"

"Yeah. Sure thing."

Ichigo held out the hose towards Rukia. But before she could grab it, he stuck his thumb on the top of the hose and sprayed her. Rukia stood there in shock. Her jaw was opened and her eyes wide. Ichigo snickered and sprayed her again. Rukia flinched as the ice cold water tickled her skin. This time, she glared at him.

'Oh yeah. He's seventeen alright.'   "Seriously?" Rukia growled.

"You asked if you could have it. I let you have it." answered Ichigo matter-of-factly.

"That is NOT what I meant."

"Well, you should've been more clear as to 'what you meant'."

Rukia scoffed. She yanked the hose away from Ichigo. He backed up, hands raised in a surrender position. Rukia hesitated briefly. She then soaked her hair with the freezing water. Ichigo inched closer, thinking it was safe now. But right as he got close enough, Rukia returned him the favor. She sprayed him with the hose – stopping him dead in his tracks. He sputtered out water and blinked at her, trying to see again. Rukia pointed and laughed at him. Revenge was sweet.

"Alright alright. You win." Ichigo sighed. He blindly pointed at the hose, wiping his eyes. "You gonna share that?"

"Hmmm...let me think..." Rukia mused.

She then sprayed him again, giggling like a silly schoolgirl. Ichigo gave her a dirty look – not amused one little bit. He tried to tear the hose out of her hands, only to be sprayed for a third time. He shielded his face and back away. Rukia cackled and ran off with the hose.

"Why you..." Ichigo snarled. He charged after her. "Get back here!"

"You'll have to catch me first!"

Ichigo growled as he chased the petite Shinigami, getting sprayed by the hose every so often. Rukia was laughing – having a grand ol' time. Ichigo nearly got the hose away from her, but got sprayed right in the face. He skidded to a halt, coughing and spitting out water. Rukia giggled deviously and ran off again.

"At least one of us is having fun..."  Ichigo said quietly to himself.

"What's the matter? Too much of a wuss to take on a girl?" teased Rukia.

Ichigo spat out some water. "Yeah right."

"Then come over here and take this away from me."

The orange haired teen snorted. He strolled over to Rukia – not really interested in playing. Rukia poised herself to attack him with the hose again. What she didn't expect was the lunge Ichigo did from inches away. She cried out in surprise and had the hose pried from her hands. Ichigo smirked deviously.


Rukia received a splash of water to the face. She sputtered and staggered backwards. She heard Ichigo laugh. He had a nice laugh...

"You happy now?" she coughed.


And with that, she was attacked by water once more. She sputtered some more and wiped her eyes. When her vision cleared, she could see Ichigo standing right there in front of her with the hose, a big goofy grin spread across his face.

'He's never smiled like that he actually happy?'

"Betcha can't catch me." he challenged mischievously.

Before Rukia could say anything, Ichigo took off with the hose twirling above his head. Rukia rolled her eyes and shook her head. She might as well humor him since she egged him on in the first place. She chased after him, crying out with glee when the ice water managed to tag her. They ran around all over the side of the house. They expanded their chasing grounds – racing about as much of the front yard as the hose allowed them. Everything was fine. The friends were just goofing off. Then, the hose decided it was done with their silly shenanigans.

Ichigo ran too far. The hose tugged back furiously, forcing Ichigo to fall backwards. He landed hard on a curb – his head taking most of the blow. He released the hose, grabbing the back of his head and groaning in pain. The hose came flying at Rukia. She jumped, barely missing the rubbery menace. Once she was in the clear, she raced up to Ichigo who was sitting up and clutching the back of his head tightly. She was going to ask if he was okay – she found that she didn't need to. There was blood on the cement and blood seeping through the cracks of Ichigo's fingers. Rukia stood there a moment, panic stricken. Quickly, she composed herself and grabbed Ichigo's arm.

"We need to get that taken care of!" Rukia said urgently.

"Can't you just Kido the damn thing?" asked Ichigo hoarsely.

"I don't know how deep it is so I'm not risking it." She tugged on his arm. "Now come on!"

Ichigo easily complied. He wobbled as he stood. It appeared that he was getting groggy and light-headed. Rukia hurried him inside. She got him to the clinic area of the house and quickly got him a bandage. She wrapped it around his head as tightly as she could after putting a gauze patch on it. The wound was deep – deeper than she thought. She knew she would have to get Isshin...but she didn't want to leave Ichigo behind. Especially with his head bobbing like it was...

"Okay, we're going to get your dad now. Do you understand?" Rukia explained as calmly as she could manage.

"Yeah yeah yeah." grunted Ichigo. "I'm seventeen...not two."

Rukia ignored his little remark. She got him off of the gurney he had sat on, and carefully led him out of the clinic. They slowly made their way to the staircase.

'I'll scream from here. He should be able to hear me.'   Rukia stood at the bottom step. She inhaled a big breath, and let it all out in a scream. "ISSHIN!!!! HURRY!!!! ICHIGO'S HURT!!!! HE MIGHT NEED A HOSPITAL!!!! ISSHIN!!!!"

Within seconds, Isshin came flying down the stairs in a full blown panic. He didn't even bother to take a peek at the gash on the back of Ichigo's head. He had the car keys in one hand and his cell in the other. He motioned for Rukia to take Ichigo and follow him. Rukia nodded and took Ichigo by the hands – leading him carefully yet quickly. They climbed into the car, and Isshin took off without anyone putting on seat belts.

"Hello? Ryūken? It's me, Isshin, hi, how ya doing?" Isshin said, talking on the phone while driving like a lunatic. "Well...I need you to do me a favor. It seems my son, Ichigo, has done something to his head. It must be pretty bad if even Rukia won't touch it. Could you take a look for me? Thanks! You're a life savior! We'll be there shortly." He tossed his cell phone into the empty passenger seat and focused on driving. "How are we doing back there?"

"He looks pale..." Rukia replied with worry.

"That's because I get car sick..." moaned Ichigo, his head bobbing and his arms tightly wrapped around his gut.

'He gets car sick?'

"Whatever you do, don't let him pass out or throw up. Got it, Rukia?" Isshin ordered sternly yet shakily.

"I'll do my best." Rukia said warily.

"I don't feel too great..." grumbled Ichigo.

"Don't you dare puke on me! Or I swear to you...I'll kick your ass!"

"I'd rather  have you do that right now..." Ichigo laid his head down on Rukia's lap, groaning. "Are we there yet?"

"Just a few more minutes." answered Isshin coolly.

Ichigo groaned and held his stomach tighter.

'Never would I have thought Ichigo would get car sick. Can he even drive?'

Ichigo's eyes began to flutter as he drifted off. Rukia shook him – making him bolt up with wide eyes and gasping for air. He hugged himself and shivered. Rukia touched his bare shoulder and quickly retracted her fingers. He was cold to the touch. She hoped it was from the fact that they were playing with freezing water earlier and he was shirtless. Still...Rukia couldn't help but to feel worried...and guilty...

'If I hadn't egged him on in the first place...this wouldn't have happened...'

The car came to a sudden stop. Rukia lowered her head to look through the front window. They had arrived at the hospital. Isshin threw open the door and Rukia did the same. She motioned for Ichigo to come, but he just sat there shivering. She touched his hands and he became alert. He looked at her in confusion. He looked out his window and perked up. He hurried out of the car towards Rukia, and allowed her to lead him into the hospital where Isshin waited at the door.

"You're still aware, Ichigo? What's the date?" inquired Isshin as he ushered the young Shinigamis through the halls of the hospital.

"Can YOU even tell me the date?" Ichigo grumbled.

"I think he's okay." Rukia said.

"Won't be sure till Ryūken gets a good look at him." Isshin pointed out.

They went to the third floor – finding Ryūken Ishida standing outside the very first door. He didn't say anything as they trio approached, just jerked his head towards the room. Isshin and Rukia hurried Ichigo into the room. They sat him down on the bed, which he didn't look too happy about. Ryūken walked in shortly after and closed the door. He washed his hands and put on gloves.

"I'm going to numb you before looking at the wound." he informed Ichigo coldly.

Ichigo squinted his eyes at the doctor as if he couldn't see well. As soon as Ryūken held up a needle...Ichigo freaked out. He screamed and darted towards a corner. He grabbed a chair to use as a weapon – pointing it shakily at the doctor.

"I take it he doesn't like needles." said Ryūken with a bored look.

"Ahhhh..." Isshin rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot about that..."

'Wow. The savior of the Soul Society gets car sick AND is afraid of needles. Who would've thought?'

"I need to numb your body, Ichigo. Unless you want to feel the pain." explained Ryūken, cautiously approaching Ichigo.

Ichigo cowered in the corner – the chair held up as defense. "Get that thing away from me!"

Rukia stared at Ichigo...feeling actually sorry for him. This looked like a serious phobia that couldn't be conquered. Rukia slowly walked up to Ichigo and crouched down. She put her fingers lightly on the chair legs. Ichigo flinched and his body clearly tensed. Rukia waited a moment, then placed her fingers on his hand. She gently smiled at him.

"We need to take a look at that wound on your head, Ichigo. Can we please look at it?" she asked softly.

Ichigo glanced warily at the needle in Ryūken's hand. "I don't want that..."

"Then you won't have it. But you'll feel pain without it."

"I-I've felt the pain of death twice. I-I think I'll be o-okay."

"Alright. Well, can I take you back to the bed? He needs to look at it."

"Not till that thing goes away."

Rukia glanced back. "Can you put the needle away?"

Ryūken shrugged. He went to the nearest drawer and tossed it in there. Rukia looked back at Ichigo with a smile. She patted his shoulder, signaling that it was alright. Ichigo lowered the chair and held his hands for Rukia to take. Rukia helped him stand and took him back to the bed. He sat down, looking very nervous. The doctor went behind Ichigo and slowly began to unwrap the bandages. Ichigo winced – gripping the bed tightly. Once the bandages came off, both Isshin and Ryūken made faces that said the wound wasn't too good.

"That's quite the gash you got there, kido." Isshin said.

"We will have to see if you did any damages in your brain after this gets stitched up." Ryūken explained.

"St-stitches?" squeaked Ichigo.

"Well I can't leave it open like this now. It'll eventually start bleeding again. Where you hit it isn't far too sensitive, but the fact that whoever tied the tourniquet around your head did a good job in making it sure it was tight so it actually stopped the bleeding."

"I did that..." Rukia said in a mousey voice.

"Wow. Good job Rukia!" praised Isshin.

"But...stitches mean..." Ichigo started.

"A needle? Yes. But you won't see it." sighed Ryūken.

Ichigo tensed up. Sweat rolled down his face and he looked like he was about to puke. Ryūken handed Ichigo a hospital gown, and Rukia a wash cloth.

"Why do I need this?" Rukia asked.

"To put in his mouth to muffle the screams." replied Ryūken coolly. "Ichigo, I need you to put that gown on so you aren't cold."

"O-okay." said Ichigo shakily, already putting the gown on.

"Isshin – come help me hold the hair up."

Isshin nodded. He walked over and stood next to his fellow doctor, holding up his son's hair. Ichigo looked at Rukia with pleading eyes. Rukia looked back sadly and held the wash cloth to his mouth. When he realized she wasn't going to save him, he bit down on the cloth and stared at the floor in defeat. Rukia felt bad. Really bad. It was her fault in the first place that he was in this mess. She grabbed his hands and held them loosely.

"Squeeze when it hurts, okay?" she whispered.

Ichigo nodded meekly. His eyes were still pleading with her to rescue him, but there was also a sense of relief – knowing that she would be there.

"Here we go now. Ready?" Ryūken questioned.

Ichigo hesitated, but eventually nodded. Rukia kept her focus on Ichigo, not wanting to see the procedure of the stitches going into his head. She knew when it started the minute Ichigo grunted and squeezed her hands so tightly that they almost went blue. She winced in pain, but shook it off.

'He has it worse than's all my fault! I need to make it up to him. I feel just awful!'

Ichigo grunted and squeezed her hands again. Rukia bit back a yelp. She watched Ichigo intently, feeling even worse when tears seemed to form in his amber stare. For what felt like ages – Rukia allowed Ichigo to abuse her hands. By the end of it, her hands were bruised like there was no tomorrow.

"Now we need to do X-rays." announced  Ryūken coolly after he had finished and washed his hands again. "If you could follow me, Ichigo."

Ichigo reluctantly took the cloth out of his mouth. He glanced up at Rukia with guilty eyes. Rukia nodded her head towards the doctor with a smile. He bowed his head and followed Ryūken out of the room. Rukia looked at her beaten hands and heaved a sigh.

'Oh, the price you pay when you feel guilty...'

Ichigo sat in the back seat of the car – arms folded and very grumpy. He was having such a good day...then he just had to fall and get stitches. He was lucky that was the only thing he needed. He didn't do enough damage to break the skull or cause bleeding within the brain. It was just outside damage, which was a miracle in of itself. Stitches for a week or two...maybe. But that really didn't make Ichigo any happier.

"Now you can't get your head wet till noon tomorrow, got it?" Isshin asked.

Ichigo grunted as a response.

"And be careful when you lay down. Wait maybe a few hours for the headache to go away."

Another grunt.

"Hey, don't be so grouchy. It's not my fault that you refused to get numbed."

"I. Don't. Like. Needles. Dad."

Isshin sighed. "Rukia, could you keep an eye on him when we get home?"

"I don't need anybody worrying about me. I can take care of myself."

Isshin rolled his eyes. Rukia kept her mouth shut. She refused to make eye contact with anyone. She just stared out the window with a sad gaze. Ichigo glanced at her hands, which were lightly black and blue around the areas he squeezed. He exhaled through his nose and slumped in the back seat.

'I feel bad about doing that to her. But...if I make a big deal out of it...she'll only scold me...'

Isshin pulled up to the Kurosaki residence and turned the car off. The trio got out – going inside without saying a word. Isshin threw himself on the couch and passed out. Ichigo shook his head, not sure how his man could sleep in such heat.

"Your room?" Rukia questioned quietly.

Ichigo heaved a sigh. "Why not..."

The two friends trekked up the stairs. When he opened the door, Ichigo backed into Rukia gasping for air. It was hotter than hell in his room. Rukia poked her head in and quickly retracted. She took a minute to catch her breath, then raced to the window. She threw it open and hung the upper half of her body out of it.

"Sweet relief!" she breathed.

Ichigo walked in, still uncomfortable with how musty and hot it was in there. He grabbed himself one of his wifebeaters and plopped down on his bed. He bowed his head just as Rukia pulled herself up.

"You should relax." she suggested.

"Can't lay down." he replied.

"Oh. Right." Rukia reached over him, her chest brushing his shoulder. "Lemme get this for you then."

Ichigo had no idea what she wanted to get for him that was on his desk. What he did know was that her boobs were touching him. His cheeks turned bright pink. He swallowed, trying to gain his composure. She was his friend. He shouldn't be freaking out over stuff like this.

"Got it!" Rukia cried out in joy. She leaned back and crouched next to Ichigo. She had Ichigo's PSP in her hands. "Why don't you play Warriors Orochi 2? I've been playing it a lot lately and...this is yours after all..."

Ichigo spaced out for a quick second before dropping back to reality. Now that Rukia wasn't leaning across him anymore – he was thinking clearly. She was allowing him to play his own game, which he actually secretly got for Rukia for whenever she visited, when she wouldn't even allow him to touch it since she got there. He knew why she was doing this. He gave her a suspicious look.

"You're feeling guilty, aren't you?" he inquired.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

'Hah! Got her!'   "Look, hate it when I worry about you when you get hurt. Couldn't you do the same thing you make me do?"

"I don't really understand what makes you think I feel guilty about anything. And I especially don't understand what makes you think I'm worried about you."

Ichigo heaved a sigh.   'She'll never admit it.'   He stood up and stretched. "I'm going to take a bath."

"You can't get your head wet! It'll ruin your stitches!"

"I know that! I'll be careful."

"But...Ichigo!" Rukia got on her knees and held out the PSP to him. "What about your game?!"

Ichigo stared at the PSP for a little, then he shrugged. "You can play it. I don't care."

He grabbed some clean clothes, then walked out of his room. He hated doing that to Rukia...but he didn't want her to dote on him because she felt guilty and worried. He walked into the bathroom and set his clothes on the toilet. He stretched his arms again, but this time he stopped in mid stretch. He couldn't get out of his mind the expression Rukia had when she was trying to give him his PSP.

'She looked so cute...'

Ichigo realized what he was thinking...and the fact that he was blushing. He shook his head as quickly as he could without causing a bigger headache. He exhaled deeply. He really hoped that this bath would help him relax and get his mind off of things. He turned on the water, made sure it was the right temperature, and waited for it to fill up before undressing and climbing in. The warm water, despite the heat outside, felt great. He slid down into the tub – making sure the water didn't touch his stitches. Ichigo just laid there in absolute peace. It was nice to relax.

He quickly lost track of time, but didn't mind. He needed all the relaxing he could get. Then, he heard the doorknob jiggle. That's when he realized he forgot to lock the door. Quickly, he pulled the curtain and hid behind it – allowing only his head to poke out in order to see who was there. To his was Rukia with a pile of towels in her arms.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" he squealed, his ears burning.

"I remembered that there wasn't any clean towels. Thought you'd like some." Rukia responded matter-of-factly.

"You couldn't have remembered that sooner?!"

"I was...busy."

"Doing what?! Playing a video game?!"

Rukia hesitated to answer. "Sure. Let's go with that."

Ichigo became suspicious. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing." She started hanging up the towels. "Why are you curious?"



"What were you really doing?"

"Exactly as you said. Playing a video game."

"Why do I get the feeling you're lying?"

"You're just paranoid."

"Did you do something for me 'cause you're worried about me?"

Rukia whipped around, her fists clenched and her face red. "So what if I did?!"

Ichigo massaged his temples and sighed. "Rukia...I told you not to worry about me. I'm fine."

"Ugh! You're so inconsiderate!" She stomped her foot. "Why can't I do something nice for my friends without getting treated like a murder suspect?!"

"Maybe because you're doing it out of guilt? Though I don't why you're feeling guilty. It was my own damn fault."

Tears welded up in Rukia's eyes. "Fine! Be that way! I'll just eat that ramen all on my own!"

She stormed out of the bathroom, slamming the door on her way. Ichigo sat there – unsure what to do.

'If I wasn't naked...I would've gone after her.'   He sighed and rested his forehead on the edge of the tub.   'Why does she have to be so difficult? It's just a couple of stitches. It's not like I'm half dead or something.'   He rose his head slightly – staring at the towels Rukia had brought in.   'Guess I better make it up to her when I get out...'

Ichigo sat in the tub a while longer. He was trying hard to figure out how to apologize to Rukia. She meant well. And besides, if it were the other way around, Ichigo knew he would be waiting on her hand and foot all the while she would be screeching at him to knock it off. He finally got out, just figuring a simple apology would do. He dried himself off and got dressed. He left the bathroom and stood in front of his door feeling nervous. Ichigo plucked up every amount courage he had. He cautiously opened the door. To his surprise, Rukia was laying on his bed asleep.

'How long was I in there?'

He inched in quietly. As he got closer, he saw a bowl of ramen for him on the desk – steam still rising from in. Ichigo grinned. He would have to thank Rukia when she woke up. He sat in his chair, ready to eat his ramen, when something caught his eye. In Rukia's hand was a crumbled up piece of paper. Figuring it was just trash, Ichigo carefully took it out of her hand. There was writing on it.

' can't hurt to see what's on here...right?'

Ichigo unfolded the crumbled paper. On the paper was Rukia's writing. No mistake about it. Still feeling like it was still fine to see what was written, Ichigo read it. His eyes were wide by the end of reading it. He looked at Rukia with surprise, then back at the paper. Swallowing a lump in his throat...Ichigo read the contents of the paper once again.

Rukia shifted in her sleep. Ichigo's bed was comfortable...but a little warm. She tried to get into a sleeping position that would better allow her to have a peaceful sleep, but nothing was working. So she gave up. She stretched and yawned. She opened her eyes to find Ichigo sitting at his desk.

"Oh. Ichigo." Rukia sat up, rubbing her eye. "Was the ramen any good?"

Suddenly, she became very aware. In Ichigo's hands was a note she had written. It was just a rough draft and she thought it wasn't good. She was planning on throwing it away...but now Ichigo had it. Rukia lept from the bed and snagged the note away. Her heart was racing as panic seeped through her.

'Please tell me he didn't read it...please!'

By the look on Ichigo's face...he had read it. Over and over again. Rukia felt very sick. She had to do something to distract him. And quick!

"Ah! Ichigo! Did you get your stitches wet?! Are you feeling okay?! Would you like a drink?! Hey! I bet you can lay down now! You should rest!" she fussed.   'This better do the trick! He hates it when people get flustered over him!'   "Here! I'll get you some really soft pillows and a nice bottle of cold water! Doesn't that sound great?!"

Just as she attempted to leave the room, Ichigo grabbed her wrists. They stared at each other – neither saying a word. Ichigo looked like he was at a loss for words. That concerned Rukia very much. She wanted to get away from him. The contents of her little note was not a subject she wished to talk about.

Ichigo swallowed. "Rukia...about that...note..."

Hurriedly, Rukia managed to tear her wrists away from him. Then, she booked it.

"Wait! Rukia!" he called out
But Rukia didn't stop. She ran all the way down the stairs, out the front door, and down the street. She ran and ran and ran. She had to find a place to hide from him. She didn't want to face him about that note.

'Gah! Why did I have to write that stupid thing?! Argh! Next time, I'm not taking the captain's suggestion to write my feelings on a piece of paper to better understand them! So stupid! Ugh! Damnit!'

Kisuke's shop came into view. Perfect. Why would Ichigo think to look there? Rukia would normally never hide there. She quickened her pace – wanting to be hidden as soon as possible. She burst through the door, panting like a dog. Kisuke happened to be there up front with Tessai. The men stared at her with puzzled expressions.

"Well...hello there, Kuchiki-san. What can I help you with today?" questioned Kisuke.

Rukia closed the door behind her and rushed up to the shopkeeper. "Hide me."

"E-excuse me?"

"Hide me! I need to hide!"

"From whom?"

"A certain spiky haired Shinigami."

There was a loud crash that made the three of them jump. Rukia looked behind her...and became very pale. Standing there in the doorway was Ichigo, breathing heavily and sweating like mad. He had followed her, no, chased her all the way to Kisuke's without being detected. Rukia's stomach sank.

"Maybe we'll leave the two of  you alone." Kisuke coughed. "Tessai."

The giant man nodded – following Kisuke out of the room.

'Thanks a lot, Urahara.'

Ichigo and Rukia stood there in silence. Neither one of them knew what to say. Neither one of them knew what to do. Then, Ichigo took a wobbly step forward.

"Why?" he said, his eyes hurt.

"Why what?" Rukia asked, her voice slightly high pitched.

"Why did you run away?"

"I...I..." She looked away with a pout, trying to behave as normally as possible. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah. I think you do."


"Cut the crap. I know you ran because I wanted to talk about that note."

"What note? There's no note."

Ichigo stood very still. His fists balled up and shook. Then, they relaxed. He sighed and stared at Rukia with very calm eyes. "Ichigo...I have something to tell you. Something I'm not sure I can say out load. So I hope this note can express my feelings well enough. You are the most treasured person I have in my life. That's why I feel terrible about your injury. I know it's not my fault...but I can't help it. I feel like it is. So I want to make it up to you. If that means I become your slave, then fine. If I have to nurse you back to health, I'll have no issue with it. I want to take care of you. It's been a secret desire of mine for a long time now. I care about you a lot. And I always want to make sure I can make you happy, or at least see you happy. You have a wonderful smile and it's a shame you don't show it more often. So if I can put that smile on your face whenever I can, or if someone else can do that in my place...I'll be the most happiest soul that ever existed."

Rukia gasped and covered her mouth. "You memorized it?"

A gentle smile formed upon Ichigo's lips as he took another step forward. "Every word."

Rukia choked back tears. She was touched that he took the time to memorize her note...but she was also angry. She didn't want him to know these things. It was her dirty little secret. She wanted to keep it that way. But she screwed up. Because she didn't dispose of the note...Ichigo found it and read it. He had every word engraved in his brain.

'Why couldn't that fall damage that part of his brain that stores memories?! Why?!'

Ichigo stood before her, his gaze ever so soft. He gently stroked her hands and pulled them away from her face. Rukia tried to step away, but he wouldn't allow it. He got closer. Her face turned a light shade of red.

"Don't you believe in personal space?" snapped Rukia.

The orange haired Shinigami shook his head. "You don't get that right now. Not till I'm done with I have to say."

Rukia pouted. "Fine. Say it then. The sooner you get out of my personal bubble – the better!"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Quit it. I know you're not really mad."

"Is that what you have to say?"


"Then say it."

Ichigo sighed again." Rukia...I don't have a piece of paper to write down my words...'cause I know for sure I might screw them up. But...I just want to let you know that...well...I don't need you to care for me. And I don't need you to worry about me. I can take care of myself. However..." He smiled. "I wouldn't mind it if you did. As long as it's what you want. And, in return, I want to care for you." He rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. "'re the most precious thing to me. I want to make sure you're all in once piece. Because if you aren't...then my world dies. Rain drowns me. I could swim...but why bother? Without you...there is no sunlight, and therefore no reason for me to take off the chains and reach for the surface."

"Ichigo..." Rukia said, her throat dry.

He opened his eyes – pouring his amber into Rukia's purple and blue. "If your note is what I think it is...then let me be the first to say what the secret message is behind it...and also what is behind mine..."

He lowered his head and closed his eyes again. Rukia tensed up. She was scared. Was she ready for this? Well, she wrote that note. She sure better be! She closed her eyes and waited. She felt Ichigo's lips softly push against hers. It was as if she had floated into the heavens. Rukia lost her functions for breathing...or for thinking. She wrapped her arms around Ichigo's neck and pulled him in closer. He complied without question. They stumbled into a wall – but their lips never disconnected. Rukia was in a state of wonderful bliss. Sure, it was her first kiss and she was sure that all first kisses were like this, but this one was different. Hidden emotions were finally bursting forth – unleashing their inner needs that had been locked away for so long. Ichigo pinned Rukia against the wall, the passion behind his end of the kiss becoming stronger. Rukia let out a tiny moan and her arms became like jelly. She knew she had to end the kiss before it got too far. Or before they both suffocated. Ichigo seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Ichigo broke the kiss, gasping roughly for air. He rested his head against the wall behind Rukia, his eyes till closed. Rukia joined him in regulating breathing. She stared at him as it appeared more difficult for him than her. He backed away only a little. He opened his eyes and smiled. Rukia managed to weakly smile back. Ichigo took her hands into his. He raised them to his lips and kissed them. Rukia shivered at the touch.

"I love you..." he told her breathlessly.

Rukia's eyes brightened. "You do?"

"Yes. That's the honest to God truth."

"But why?"

That caught Ichigo off guard. "What do you mean?"

"Why do you love me? I'm...plain...and boyish..."

"Don't forget smart, beautiful, funny, caring, loving, strong, independent, stubborn, a blast to be around, cute...and now I can add great kisser to all of that."

Rukia flushed a dark red. " really think all that of me?"

"I always have."

'I need to thank Captain Ukitake for his advice.'   "I...I think the same about you. Minus the beautiful part. I think you're handsome...and..." Rukia became sheepish. "Sexy..."

A sly smirk spread across Ichigo's mouth. "Oh really? That's an interesting fact. Rukia Kuchiki knows the correct context for the word 'sexy'."

Rukia yanked her hands away from him, then playfully slapped his arm. "So?! You get car sick and scared half to death of needles!"

Ichigo got close to Rukia, and rubbed his nose against hers while smiling like a goofball. "And what's you're point? Is that what you call blackmail?"

"I-I could!"

"You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?"

"You're cute when you're all flustered like this."

"Sh-shut up!"

"Well it's true."

"Quit teasing me!"

"Why can't I tease my girlfriend?"

"I never said I was your girlfriend! You never asked either! And I didn't even return your feelings!"

"Ah. We should probably get that settled then."

"What's gotten into you!?"

"Who knows? Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought. Still...I like being so relaxed around you." Ichigo nuzzled his face in Rukia's neck. "It feels...nice. Refreshing."

"Oh, I'll give you something refreshing all right!"

"Calm down, Rukia." He lifted his head and stared right into her eyes. "There's no need to hide anymore."

"Wh-who says I'm hiding?"


'Argh! Damn him! When did he suddenly get good at things like this?!'

"Rukia...will you go out with me? Be my girlfriend?"

"As long as you promise I can be your wife in the future."


Rukia's face went an even darker red. "W-wait! I was only kidding!"

"Too late. You've sealed your fate."

"No fair!"

"It's completely fair."

"No it isn't!"

"You sure have a lot of fight in you today. It's kinda making me dizzy."

'Oh no! Did all of this worsen his injury?'   "Are you okay?"

"Just a little light-headed. Nothing to worry about."

"We should got back to your house. You need to rest."

" don't need to worry about me."

A devious smirk crept up Rukia's lips. "Oh? But you said you wouldn't mind if I was worried about you as long as I wanted to be."

Ichigo's face lost its color. "N-no! W-wait! That's not what I meant!"

"Too late. You've sealed your fate."

"Hey! No fair, Rukia!"

"Why not?"

" isn't!"

"Uh-huh. Sure." Rukia rolled her eyes and sighed. "'s hot, and we're both tired. We should go back and get some rest.

Ichigo pouted. "Fine."

He stormed out of the shop, not happy that his own words got turned against him. Rukia happily kept pace with him. They walked down the street, only inches apart. Then, Rukia saw her chance. She swiped his hand from his side and interlocked her fingers with his. Ichigo looked over at her with shock. She looked at him back – a rather large, beaming smile across her face.

"I love you, too, Ichigo." Rukia said softly. "And yes...I'll be your girlfriend."

Ichigo smiled gently. "Good. I'm glad."

"And while I'm at it...I'll ALWAYS continue to worry about you so long as you participate in idiotic behavior."

"Gee. Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome!"

Ichigo scoffed and rolled his eyes. Rukia giggled. As they walked hand-in-hand, Rukia thought of some things. Mostly what she could fuss over to aggravate him the most. She'd never admit it...but she thought he was really cute when he'd get upset being fussed over.
Here's a little something I wrote kinda just yesterday. Hope you like! X3
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The-Dragon-Flame's avatar
I Kept thinking when they where at Kisuke's "He's gonna randomly walk in on them, catching them in the act, isnt isnt he?" xD